lol surprise

Hunting Es Krim, Masakan, Permen Yupi, Lolipop, Minions, Bebek, spongebob, Surprise Egg Ikan Koi 155

Assalamualaikum friends Welcome to the HUNTING JAJAN IDN channel for friends who haven’t subscribed, don’t forget to click the subscribe button and turn on the bell, see, I got a lot of treasure, there’s a Marsya balloon, come on, come on, come on, there’s a baby Shark baby balloon Shark dudududu baby Shark

Du du du du du baby Shark du du du Wow, there’s a squid balloon, this game is really good. This one has Minions balloons Ghost Wow, there’s balloons LOL, friends, there’s a cash register, too, Hello Kitty friends. the picture makes you think about ghosts. If this one has a squishy toy, it has a baby shark toy. You can bite, friends, just bounce, where do you bite ? It’s like going up a slide Wow, it’s bouncing anyway Let’s turn it off first. If this one has toy airplanes that can fly, it’s bouncing, friends, let ‘s turn it off again If this one is on no, friends, he can go up the stairs too and then slide like a slide Wow, let’s bounce, let’s turn it off first. If this one has

Frozen toys, friends, Elsa can dance, that’s great [Music] There’s a birthday cow toy , that’s really good. there’s popit too guys, there’s a jumbo pop it with a Unicorn picture Bounces If this one’s a SpongeBob picture [Music] this trash guy has Mickey balloons [Applause] that’s great If this one has bounce balloons What else is there Come here Oh, here’s a drink too, friends, drink picture of Pokémon Bounce. If this one has a drink picture of Pororo, the gecko shake lalala, there’s spider-man ice cream Bounce. If this one has strawberry choco ice cream, the picture of Patrick bounce is there choki-choki Upin and Ipin [Music] If this one has Vespa mantu ice cream Wow, this has ChaCha candy [Music] that’s really good Wow, there’s corn too, friends, it’s really cute, sweet corn,

Dense corn, of course it’s useful for everyone If there’s this one m ainan Happy all owls There’s a toy that makes a sound, a picture of a sea lion Bounces . there’s pop Light or Pop [Music] bounces this has Captain America bounces If this one has a bounce mask Wow, this is a really good toy, friends, pictures of penguins with monkey pictures [Music] bounces Wow, here’s a duck too, friends, ducks laying eggs [Music] wek wek wek toy car Tayo

Hi tayo Hi tayo he’s a friendly little bus there’s a toy with a bouncing turtle picture here’s a surprise eh kokojo friends If this one has lollipops bouncing bouncing Wow there are chicks friends friends have Pitik bouncing chicken [Music] chicken If this one has relaxation candy picture Avenger Wow this has a birthday cake toy bouncing If this one has ironing friends for ironing clothes [Music] uh, bouncy, friend -Friends, wow, there is a stove, friends For cooking toys, it bounces. If there is this one, there is a picture of noodles and eggs. Wadido Wadido friends.

There is a pink rabbit. It’s really cute. It’s biting carrots. On this one, there’s a red racing car, it’s cool [Applause] [Music ] Wow, here’s an ambulance. This one has a fire engine, there’s a ladder, that’s really funny guys [Applause] You have a cat, friends That’s really good. [Music] bouncy If this one has a strawberry uh Yupi Strawberry Kiss has a marshmallow with a strawberry on it If this one has a marshmallow with a duck quacking quack Wow this has marshmallows with a watermelon picture bouncing If this one has marshmallows with a strawberry ice cream picture

[Applause] [ Music] bounces bounces Wow this bounces here’s a marshmallow with a picture of a burger also, friends, the same as before, friends Oh yes, there were doctors before this, friends, I almost missed this. There is a toy

Ice cream machine. Later, the ice cream will come out here, we can eat it, friends. Friends, cheers. Let’s continue. There are the doctor’s tools. There is a stethoscope. This one has a tool for checking heart health . Wow, there are medicines too, friends. [Music] It really bounces. microscope [Music] bounce here’s a doctor’s scissors [Music] Here’s a tool to check body temperature called a thermometer [Music]

The doctor’s red color is really funny guys and lastly there’s a syringe [Applause] for friends friends, keep following Yes, hunting snacks, don’t forget to subscribe, like and turn on the bell, OK? See you in the next video, Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh bye