lol surprise

Hunting Es Krim, Masakan, Permen Yupi, Lolipop, Minions, Bebek, spongebob, Surprise Egg Ikan Koi 154

Assalamualaikum, friends, back again on the HUNTING JAJAN IDN channel for friends who haven’t subscribed yet, don’t forget to click the subscribe button and turn on the bell. See, I got a lot of treasure. There are unicorn balloons. Is great. There are Upin and Ipin balloons. [Music] and this one has Marsha balloons come on come on Wow there’s BoBoiBoy balloons bouncing and this one has balloons LOL Dino there’s a toy with Frozen pictures and an interesting Elsa [Music] guys wow bouncing there’s Doraemon music track [Music]

Bouncy Wow, what’s going on here, it’s pop it jumbo, friends, there’s a picture of SpongeBob, it’s bouncing, there’s a balloon, it’s also a Mickey Mouse picture [Applause] that’s really good and this one has a balloon with a cocomelon picture, so when you think about it, there’s more Popin jumbo Hello Kitty picture Bouncy and this one has a slender toy, friends, Minions picture bounce Wow, apart from toys, there are also drinks, friends, there are drinks, Pokemon pictures , that’s great, there’s more to drink here’s a picture of Pororo There’s spider-man ice cream [Music] Strawberry choco ice cream, Patrick’s picture bounces, There’s viral ice cream Vespa vanilla and caramel ice cream, there’s also toys, friends, what pictures do you have? Wow, here’s Squid Great game [Music] That’s right, there’s a bouncing monkey toy, there’s a penguin toy

[Music] that’s really good, and this one has a bouncing cow toy [Music] Wow, there are planes, my friends, these planes can fly, you know? friends and this one has Jurassic World there’s Dino guys bouncing Away Mommy there’s a bouncing lollipop there’s a bus Tayo friends Hi tayo Hi tayo he’s a friendly little bus that’s great Wow, there’s a fishing rod here friends, fishing for commotion , uh, it’s wrong to hook a big fish Wow bouncy and this one

Guys Wow the fish is jumping up and down guys Wow manboo yes the fish you lured is also here Happy all owls [Music] and this one there’s Coco Mini candy There’s ja sweet gung mixed in the deep Planting corn in our garden And what’s up with this one This is a chick

Right chicken friends [Music] Chickens are really funny cute there’s a surprise Eh Kinder Joy is really good and this one has a sea lion animal can it sound ok There’s more, friends, this is a picture of a hippopotamus, there is a really big gorilla, black friends

Heh mantu and this one has a lion There is Mama, it’s really full and this one has a buffalo bouncing . Wow, these are animals Also, friends, there’s a tortoise that ‘s really good , there’s also a pink bunny that’s really cute . red is really cool [Applause] Wow , there ‘s something viral too . marshmallow car images [Music]

This marshmallow image r watermelon and this one has marshmello with a picture of a quacking duck Wow, there’s Yupi, too, friends, there’s Yupi, minimalist, with a picture of a cow [Music] There’s pizza, friends, it’s really good, guys, there’s more Yupi Gatotkaca, bounce, and this one has Yupi strawberry

Burger, yes, amen, it looks really delicious Wow , there’s a Captain America mask, there’s another Hulk mask bouncing around. What else is here ? Wow, the sink, friends, look, see if water comes out, the sink is really funny, OK, friends, turn it off again, OK? [Music]

And this one has a toaster, our friends press it. friends for making cakes and this one has a juicer for a juice making machine, friends . this one has a play-doh toy, an ice cream machine, later we can put the ice cream here To bounce What’s going on, geez, here’s a doctor’s kit, friends Wow, it’s bouncy, it’s really good, there’s a toothbrush, friends Wow, the teeth are really good [Music] There’s an infusion and a stethoscope, the stethoscope is really nice, the color is funny, friends,

There’s also a tool to check body temperature, it’s called a thermometer [Music] Wow, this is a dentist’s kit for cavities, wow that’s bouncy [ Music] really good there’s this again for checking heart health and this one has a

Bouncing microscope and the last one there’s a really big syringe Wow, that’s good, it’s really good [Applause] it’s really a toy, friends, keep on following Yes, snack hunting, don’t forget to click the subscribe button like and turn on the bell, there will be lots of fun toys and

Delicious food. See you in the next video, wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh bye