lol surprise

LOL Surprise Pets EYE SPY Series 4

Hi everybody walk back to my Channel guess who’s with me? Hey guys. So, where are we today? So you pick out what you want to open up, let’s see So like out, yeah also cute that’s cute. Alright, here you go you open I Think it’s the bottle the cat is I kill a cat. It’s so simple Do we have we have couch potato cut couch potato Open there’s like a scooper Because inside this there’s sand and inside the sand There’s like either accessory or like the pet shoes So cute Okay, so we got this one we got this one’s called but please stock up the skunk here’s the sand it feels so weird and This thing right here molds something into the seal. Well, that’s cute This guy is right here she is a popular and up another LLC. What’s good? Oh And this is our clue by the way, yeah, so Let’s look at her clue So we got smarty pants. Yeah, we got smarty pants Looks like Harry Potter son glisten looks like Harry Potter sunglasses Okay, this is so cute gonna ow So cute Let’s see. You can’t go so we’ve got what teachers Saucers owl catch eat you all. Oh She’s cute. Okay, and so owl is popular guys Okay, Caitlyn which our pet was your favorite The teachers part which is that all oh yeah. My favorite is the skunk I love the sky so cute. I my favorite the skunk It’s so cute. I love it the Owls. Keep – All right, guys, I hope you enjoyed our video and I hope everybody has to crazy tonight. Remember what Caitlyn? Always be kind