lol surprise

Hunting Es Krim, Masakan, Permen Yupi, Lolipop, Minions, Bebek, spongebob, Surprise Egg Ikan Koi 149

Assalamualaikum, friends, back on the HUNTING JAJAN IDN channel for friends who haven’t subscribed yet, don’t forget to click the subscribe button and turn on the bell, see, I got a lot of treasure, there are baby shark balloons, baby shark balloons, Upin and Ipin really great and this one has Doraemon balloons

Wow there are BoBoiBoy balloons bouncy bouncy l and this one has Minions balloons really good Wow there are also toys here friends there are telephones with Yunikon pictures there is Elsa friends there is Frozen that’s really good Wow this is there the squishy toy bounces and this one has a penguin toy,

This is great, what’s going on, this has an ATM, friends, the ATM LOL is really good, and this one has toys too, a cashier toy, a picture of Hello Kitty, bouncy-wadi down, does this have toys? a picture of a cow bouncing around and this one has a toy picture

That’s really good What’s more, right there’s Tom, friends, there’s a cat and this one has a toy picture of a duck, Mommy , there’s food and drink too, here’s a a drink picture Pororo lizard rocking lalalala great this one has a drink picture Pokémon

Wow here there is a drink uh ice cream drink strawberry choco ice cream picture Patrick and this one has spider-man ice cream this has ice cream viral fast ice cream Pop bounce and this one has What’s this Wow, this is a fish, friends,

This is really funny, Nemo fish bounces, I’m Ridho wadidaw, there’s a turtle, really cute green color wow wow wow, there’s this jumbo jumbo, there’s a pop it, a picture of SpongeBob bouncing Eh, here’s something viral- It’s also viral, it has a pop light or pop mantu, it has koko. Joy surprise egg, friends.

Who likes surprises? Comment below, wow, what’s going on here that makes this sound, there’s a hippopotamus bouncing. If this one can make a sound, it’s a sea lion Dewadido’s bouncy body has sweet corn, friends. If you don’t like to eat sweet corn,

You have to eat a lot of vegetables, right? Mix a deep hoe. Planting corn in our garden. Wow, there’s Happy . wow wow there’s a Thomas train bouncing around and this one has a Boss tayo really cute guys the color is green

Nah Hi tayo Hi tayo he’s a friendly little bus going what’s going on here wow wow wow here’s some make-up a picture of a lollipop bouncing around and this one has a toy, what’s so big, guys. Wow, there’s a Dino Wow, the t-rex, friends, it’s really scary to die . -Friends named Latul,

OK, this is also a play-doh toy, this is an ice cream machine, OK, friends , the ice cream machine will come out here. There’s a marshmallow, friends, there’s a marshmallow with a picture of a bouncing duck and this one has a marshmallow, a picture of a watermelon, that’s really good, Wawawa,

There’s a marshmallow, a picture of a car, that’s really good . This is Yupi Gatotkaca mantu burger, right ? what’s up, here’s a dentist’s equipment, guys, brush your teeth so your teeth don’t get damaged, wow, that’s great, that’s really good . friends, there’s love, so it’s funny,

And what’s wrong with this one? Wow, here’s a tool to check body temperature, it’s called a bounce thermometer. If this one has a really big syringe, it’s a really big injection , guys, wow, that’s cool, here’s another one, here’s a microscope

Bouncy This doctor’s bag is really good too, friends, doctor’s suitcase Wow, for friends, keep on following Yes, snack hunting, don’t forget to click the subscribe like button and turn on the bell See you in the next video wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh bye